2.5 主要BIM设计平台总览
In this p, we summarize the major functional and performance capabili- ties that distinguish different BIM platforms, considered as having both tool and platform functionality, as presented in earlier ps of this chapter. We also consider them in relation to their supporting a BIM environment. The capabili- ties apply to both design-oriented systems as well as fabrication BIM design tools. These distinguishing capabilities are proposed for those wishing to under- take a first-level review and assessment of alternative systems, so as to make a well-informed decision within the project, office, or enterprise. The choice affects production practices, interoperability, and to some degree, the functional capabilities of a design organization to do particular types of projects.
We organize the important features at three levels of applicability: as a tool, as a platform, and as an environment, as defined in Section 2.4.We emphasize that no one application will be ideal for all types of projects. Ideally, an organization would have several platforms that it supports and moves between for specific projects. Some uniquely support communication between different applications; others may support collaboration with a particular fabricator or consultant. Fabricators are less likely to need multiple platforms.
Adopting a BIM design application, as a tool and/or platform, is a significant undertaking. Adoption is also discussed in later chapters, especially regarding their intended use, for design and engineering in Chapter 5, for contractors and construction management in Chapter 6, and for fabricators in Chapter 7. They are also considered for their support of being managed within a BIM environment, as developed in Chapter 3. Decisions about applications involve understanding new technologies, the new organizational skills needed, and then learning and managing those skills. These challenges will recede over time, as the learning curve and practices surrounding BIM use become more ingrained in practice. Because the functionality of BIM design applications is changing quickly, it is important to look at reviews of the current versions in AECBytes, Catalyst, or other AEC CAD journals and collaboration sites such as LinkedIn. Within the common framework of providing object-based parametric modeling, BIM design applications embody many different kinds of capabilities, some at the tool and some at the platform levels. We discriminate the issues associated with their use as a tool and as a platform, with comments about their support at the BIM system environment level.
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